Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ALL Humans of Arts, Visual Arts {Part 3: Jacob Kusmierski}

So we covered a lot of the possible issues, but there's still one more opinion that I personally was very excited for. Jacob Kusmierski is the last of the Senior Art majors I spoke to. He is very passionate about his art and showing it off. He cares very much about the lack of representation his major receives, and has spoken out about it on numerous occasions.
Jacob Playing his Guitar for his Instagram

Jacob is one of the expressive Art majors I've met. He is not only outgoing in his art, but in his personality as well. He loves the creative differences between him and his fellow Artists. He loves how even though they are different in so many aspects, they always seem to unify together in a unique way.

Unlike Layanna and Rayond, Jacob doesn't seem to put much of the blame for their lack of representation on the school and/or their teachers. He believes more the problem lies within the Art majors themselves.

"I feel there isn't much to credit us for. As Art majors we are quiet and reserved, we complain about getting no representation however we never come together to represent ourselves other than our art show."

Jacob claims that to him, the Art majors haven't taken the initiative to show off their work. He believes that they haven't pushed their ability in showing off their work to others. When asked how he thinks this makes other view the Art department, he explains how their personality traits seem to give off the wrong idea to the rest of the school.

"I feel they view us as a sort of outcast group. Mainly because we are so reserved and quiet. If the art majors were a high school kid, it would be the kid sitting in the back with his head in his notebook."

So according to Jacob, the problem isn't the school. It is what lies inside of the Art department. He believes the solution lies within them, not within the school in itself.
Jacob's art piece drawn with Chalk

"I think we need stronger voices because we do nothing to make ourselves heard. It's okay to complain that we want change, but I feel like as we get older we get more enthusiastic. And not having representation doesn't help."

According to Jacob, the Art majors themselves need to take a stand before anyone else can. They need to show how much they want it before they can be given it. Jacob gives us a completely different outlook on the representation issue. Which leaves us still questioning what the problem is and how to solve it.

I feel to put it in the simplest way, the Art majors create amazing pieces and should have just as many chances to show them as anyone else would. They need more spaces, they need more time in the year, but most of all they need us. They can't show the awesome work they produce, without an audience to show it too. They need to feel the passion in their craft that they did before, so that the many other artists that will follow them can feel the same.