Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Welcome to the Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts!

Welcome to People of Arts! The Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts is not like any other high school you'll probably ever see. With eight different majors, there's always something going on in this school!

From Visual Arts to Music, the Arts Academy has plenty to offer to young students seeking a career in the arts. It provides an amazing opportunity for kids to express themselves through their art as well.

This blog covers the students of the Arts Academy as well as the majors they represent. You'll be able to see their inspiring work and get to know them for the awesome artists and performers they are. Our goal is to let the voices of the Arts Academy be heard. They deserve for their passion to be shared with the world.

To see more of what the Arts Academy has done throughout the years, you can check out the student news website.

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